Thursday, July 24, 2008

Awaiting the Storm

A Sunflower glows as the dark storm clouds crush down upon it.

For more Sky Watch and to join in on the fun, visit Tom and the Team at the New Sky Watch


Lori said...

Oh wow. This is almost an oxymoron. We get so used to seeing sunflowers against blue skies and sunshine that it almost looks unreal. Beautiful, Salty!

Louise said...

That is a "Wow!" picture. Truly wonderful.

cedrorum said...

Great shot. I love the contrast of color on the dark clouds.

bobbie said...

A sunflower is always bright, no matter how dark the sky. Beautiful!

Jeannelle said...

The sunflower looks like it can hold its own against the grumpy clouds! Great shot!

Meggie said...

Wow! Great contrast, Salty!

Rambling Woods said...

I LOVE this photo....

photowannabe said...

Terrific drama Salty. I really like this one. That must havebeen quite a storm you got there.

Neal said...

That is a neat picture, especially if you enlarge it.

Donna said...

Really Beautiful!!!!!

Leora said...

Love the color against the grey skies.

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Hi Salty! This is absolutely wonderful. Lisa

Carletta said...

I know folks don't like just wow, awesome, etc....
But really, WOW, AWESOME!!

Love this - it would look good on my kitchen wall. :)

Pat - Arkansas said...

Gorgeous! That flower just pops against that stormy sky! Wonderful Sky Watch!

nonizamboni said...

Lovely contrast! Soft and vibrant together. Nice capture. Thanks for sharing.
Happy Friday too.

rachel said...

this is really good. i love the bright and happy sunflower against the dark mean storm. :)

Rose said...

Neal is right--it is great before it is enlarged but just fantastic after.

HFD60 said...

Very nice...I like how the flower just pops out from the background...

Whitney said...

This picture is simply AMAZING! I love the contrast of the bright sunflower with the gray background!! This picture is awesome!! Also the rest of the photos on you blog are amazing as well..especially the dragonfly one below!

Suzanne said...

Oh this photo is just awesome. Your two colours contrasting together is perfect and the detail in the flower and the sky so clear. Happy SWF

Chad Oneil Myers said...

One of the best "sky watch" images I've seen on anyone's site.


Kerri Farley said...

Stunning Salty! WOW! This is one of the best!! Happy SWF!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: That dark Sky really makes the sunflower stand out, very nice.

EG CameraGirl said...

Sunflowers always look happy...even just before a storm. One of my favourite flowers. Love your photo!

Larry D said...

Wonderful photo! The sunflower is excellent!Happy SWF!

imac said...

Hi Salty, great sunflower in a storm cloudy day.

AphotoAday said...

O.k., Salty, I've seen your great work before, but this shot is absolutely stunning! Ten points and a gold star = my highest award! Super!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, this is a stunning photograph. I love it.

Aisha said...

Wow! It's really beautiful! That is such an awesome shot.

PA Brian in PP,FLA said...


Catherine said...

Great sky~watch capture Salty! I think this is the first time I have seen a sunflower against a grey sky~its does seem to glow !
Happy weekend, and happy sky~watching!

Kelly said...

beautiful picture of such a lovely sunflower!! You captured it's beauty well...

Anonymous said...

Hey Salty :)

I'm making the rounds to say hi and tell my blogger friends I'm back and alive and well and so very appreciative of all your kind words, well wishes and prayers while I was gone.

I'll be back later to check out your blog and see what you've been up to while I was gone.

I do love that sun flower though!


bcmomtoo said...

I love this. What a great contrast between the sunshine of the sunflower and the darkness of the clouds.