A Pennsylvania bull elk encounter that came too close for comfort
This image was made a short time before the encounter took a turn for the worse. If circumstances permit tomorrow I will tell of this adventure on my weekly Camera Critters post.
I have been battling an extremely slow dial-up internet connection. Soon that issue will be resolved and I will be able to comment on your blogs more frequently.
This sounds nerve-wracking. I hope you tell us more. This is an amazing closeup Salty.
Excellent closup. I love to come here and see your photos. Keep up the good work Salty :-)
Recently discovered that PA has a viable elk herd from blogging. Found your blog while visiting Ivar's. You have some great images and enjoyed reading your posts. I went out to Colorado for the rut this year and captured a few elks keepers. Blue Skies-Ken
Salty: Beautiful close-up of the bull elk. I can't wait to hear more.
Great close up - love how his face looks. dying to hear what happened!!
I don't know about getting too close. I've been pulled back from rattlesnakes before for that reason. I think when I'm behind the camera, things aren't "real." Does that make sense? I'm not part of the scene, just there to record it, so I don't even think about the danger.
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