The larger buck here exhibits some “attitude” while the smaller reaches out with a friendly nuzzle.
This is normal behavior when a friendly sparring match is about to begin. It is not unusual to see two bucks grooming each other extensively; before, during and after a sparring match.

Only seconds after the nuzzled greeting the larger buck drops his antlers and begins the match as the smaller squints to protect his eye.
I did not know that deer groom each other...so do my cats...even when they ultimately hiss at each other, just like the deer.
Wonderful Nature.
What pictures so tender!
Very nice Coy, you really did have a great rut season. I consider my self luck to have watched this last week in SNP but it would be nice to see it out in the open.
With the changing weather yesterday and today would be good days to get out and photograph the moving wildlife.
Great pictures!! Love the look on the smaller ones face while being groomed.
Cool shots!
Beautiful, touching images.
Hi Coy,
Fortunately we only shakes hands or hug with a friend ;-) Nice shots and the frost had a nice atmosphere in the background
Awesome shots of the deer, it must have been neat to watch them.
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