This image started with a macro of a White Dutch Clover bloom in my lawn. With Photoshop I increased the contrast and then brought the black level up until the background changed to mostly black effectively removing distractions. Lastly I applied a touch of unsharp mask to sharpen the edges.
My goal usually is to create an image as close as possible to how I experienced the original scene, but in this case I took the liberty to become somewhat more creative.
Personally I like the results.
What do you think? Be honest, I promise not to be offended if you don’t care for it.
White Dutch Clover, once common in lawns is now considered a weed by many. I encourage the clover in my lawn. White Dutch Clover fixes nitrogen eliminating the need for heavy fertilizer applications, it attracts and feeds bees, rabbits etc, it is also drought resistant and low growing not requiring frequent mowing. Attracting wildlife is reason enough for me to grow it, the other benefits are all bonus.