During his 2006 state of the union address President Bush stated that America was addicted to oil. As he continued his speech he mentioned alternative energy and new technologies to replace our dependence on oil.
Since 9-11 oil prices have skyrocketed, at times nearly quadrupling the prices we were paying during 2000 when gasoline could be found at prices only a few cents over a dollar. Most of us have complained about the high prices and many of us have adjusted out lifestyles to reduce the impact upon our standard of living while others among us have simply gone broke. The high cost of energy has caused prices of other goods to rise as businesses found they could no longer eat the increasing cost of transportation.
We are all familiar with the impact of high oil prices upon our personal lives but for a moment let us consider the question posted in the title of this post, are the high prices good or bad for us, our country, and our world?
Many scientists agree that global warming is a problem, if not a crisis, brought on through the burning of fossil fuels. The importation of oil from unstable regions of the world finances much of the terrorism that has become the focus of the current administration and the fear of the common citizen. Fossil fuel is believed to be a finite resource, when it’s gone, it is gone. Crude oil is the source of not only gasoline and diesel, but it is the raw material for much of today’s products such as plastics and an entire range of petrochemicals.
With this in mind is it responsible of us, as caretakers of this earth for future generations, to be using this resource as a motor fuel? Should we be roaring away, carefree in our hopped up pickup truck or SUV while a much more efficient and environmentally friendly vehicle would serve the purpose?
I cannot help but think the prices we have been experiencing are in some ways linked to the current administration’s pledge to break our dependence upon oil.
The markets are driving new technologys and forcing conservation. In turn not only are we importing less oil but we are producing less pollution. As new renewable technologies come on line, pollution will be reduced even further and our flow of money to unstable governments will shrink. If oil prices drop substantially this process will quickly be reversed and the new technologies will not be perfected or implemented until once again some years down the road the problems with our oil based economy will once again surface.
High Oil prices; Good or Bad?
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