Saturday, September 03, 2011

Changing of the Coats

With Autumn just around the corner the whitetails are changing into their winter coats. 

The change comes on slowly.  For the adults the reddish summer hair begins to thin revealing the new soft velvety undercoat.  The adult doe pictured here has shed nearly all of her summer coat with the exception of that on her head and legs.  In the coming weeks the now short soft hair covering her body will grow into the long insulating coat she will need to survive winter's cold.

The alert fawn is also showing the signs of change as its brilliant spots are fading away.  

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  1. beautiful catch in the sunlight! :)

  2. Hi Coy,
    It's been awhile since I've visited here. I saw your thumbnail on Camera Critters and came to see your post.
    Your title made me smile - it's perfect.
    You are farther north than I am but the changes in your herd are much more noticable. I posted deer today as well. The fawns are still quite spotted although I see the streaks in Mama's fur turning.
    Great shot!
    Carletta's Captures

  3. So beautifully capture with the wonderful play of light on the coats, the greenery and those amazing ears.
    This inter-seasonal shot is quite a family study.

    I would love to see it framed and hung in a wildlife information centre or cabin for roving naturalists.

  4. I like the alert fawn.The light is so beautiful on him.

  5. Thanks for sharing the info about them changing to survive winter. It is indeed amazing how they did that. Mine is up and its here Mary Anne’s Musings, I hope you can pay a visit thanks!

  6. Wonderful capture! I like the way the fawn is highlighted by the sun. The birds flying south and the leaves starting to drift down onto our lawn indicate that autumn has already arrived here.

  7. What a nice shot Coy, hope all is well with you my friend.

  8. A very nice and well captured Image. I did notice the change in color of Deer while down at Rebers Covered Bridge. 4 of them scampered across the road, but too fast for me to get a shot with the camera.

  9. Perfect lighting and such a crisp shot. I love the stance of the fawn.

  10. Fascinating shot of the change. Love the light on the deer. What a wonderful shot.

  11. Great picture and awesome site. I come here often and save your pictures to my screen saver on the PC. Thanks for sharing your gift of photography and your eye for natural beauty.

  12. Thanks for sharing the view from your lens. The deer coats I've seen here in Minnesota now make we want to reach out and pet them--such beauty.

    Happy Labor Day too!

  13. Super shot Coy. Lovely to see the changes and reminds me I must try to find time to revisit the local herds of Fallow Deer.


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