Family ties are strengthened by spending time together and participating in activities we all enjoy. In this photo a friend is teaching his sister to shoot a rifle. One can easily see from their expressions that they are enjoying the moment.
A gorgeous shelf falls nestles in the gorge surrounded by large Hemlock Trees
The old butcher kettle heating up for the hog scalding
Note the scalding barrel in the far right of the photo
The gorge is strewn with large boulders. In this photo the first rays of sunlight peek over a boulder. I can only think that it would not be good to be here when one of these decides to fall from the mountain side.
A veil of water plummets from the west side on the falls.
A flat rock, nearly as perfect as a precast concrete slab, sits at the top.
The Meadow Grounds Falls in all of her glory!
Hopefully the day will soon come when wildlife conservation will be funded by all the people and wildlife can be managed for the good of all instead of for one special interest group.
Later I captured this view of the Blue Ridge Mountains at one of the many scenic overlooks.
Oh, the bucks, they will be featured on later postings.
At times Chip stops to rest at the entrance to his home.
Next we meet Pilly, the pileated woodpecker. Pilly can really make a racket! She has been noisily banging away at the trees drilling holes to reach the tunneling insects beneath the bark. As she moves from tree to tree she fills the air with her shrill shrieks.
Last but no least we meet foxy. Foxy the fox squirrel is not happy sharing his woodland with an intruder. He cannot decide what he should do about me, whether he should run and hide or to simply go about his business. As a compromise Foxy decides to sit on the side of a tree and bark to inform all of his forest friends that something is amiss.
A day spent in the woodlands is never a day spent alone.