We had Finches, Juncos, Black-Capped Chickadees and Cardinals at our feeder but as the Blue Jays arrived the other birds would leave allowing the Jays unfettered access to the feed.
My Saturday shoots are usually solitary events but on this day my good friend Andy was along for the ride with camera in hand. With our temperatures in the single digits the snow and ice on the rocks took on the reddish glow of the sunrise.
As a person who spends a great deal of his life in a small windowless office, I treasure these fleeting moments spent viewing in awe……
The Miracle of the Dawning
The stream is held in suspension awaiting warmer temperatures before gravity can again move it along on its endless journey
Beautiful icicles contrast nicely with the green fern in the background
Here even the fast moving riffle has frozen over, preserving the ripples on the water
This post concludes the Walking on the Water Series
I hope you have enjoyed it. Soon winter will be past and only the memories and photographs will endure to remind us that on some days even we can
Walk on Water
Penn Dot employees were busy plowing and salting the mountain roads. This storm began as snow then change to sleet and continued into Wednesday.
Schools closed early Tuesday and remained closed on Wednesday. We also experienced very heavy absenteeism at my place of employment. I was pleased to find that travel was not unduly difficult on my short 35 mile commute over two mountains.
The Wild Turkeys faired much better with four long toes giving solid support
A Fox trotted along the edge of the ice looking for his next meal
A little Cottontail Rabbit left this track to wish you all
Happy Valentines Day!
The white bark of a lone sycamore contrast beautifully with the deep blue sky
I was very much surprised when I looked through the window to see a room much as it was following the last day of school. Only the furniture and wood stove appear to have been removed.