The Monarch captures my imagination with its beauty and grace. I love watching them flit from flower to flower in search of their favorite energy drink. As I observe the delicate insect I am amazed that this fragile creature has the ability to survive the long migration to Mexico let alone being able to return next year to begin their life cycle anew.
I work in a world of machines, large machines designed to lift heavy loads. As I look at this butterfly I am struck by the fact that man, with all of his engineering knowledge has never created anything as marvelous as this butterfly nor is he likely to anytime soon.
On one of my many evening strolls I noticed both Monarchs and Yellow Swallowtails passing both ways through a screen of pines. I followed their route and found a stand of thistle with a number of butterflies checking and double checking the blossoms in hopes of one last meal before nightfall.