The Meadow Grounds Falls are the only falls of any significance in my area. The stream forming this falls is a tributary to the Potomac River. These falls are located on Pennsylvania state gamelands, thus allowing full public access. To reach it requires a hike through somewhat rugged terrain.
Pennsylvania has over 1.4 million acres in the state gamelands system. This land is open to the public for hiking, hunting, birding etc. The rules and regulation governing the use of the lands are commonsense guidelines designed to preserve the lands for the enjoyment of all and future generations. These lands have been purchased with monies generated by our state’s hunters through license sales and excise taxes on hunting equipment. Although this land is purchased and maintained only by hunters it is open for all to enjoy at any time totally free!
I shot this photograph many years ago with a Minolta SLR on Kodak Ektachrome with a double polarizing filter to achieve the effect you see here.
Awesome shot. You should frame it.
I agree with Chad if you don't have it gramed you should.
Dale meant "framed", he's notorious for not proofing his typing;)
I love this photo. Pennsylvania seems so beautiful from all your photos! My Mom was able to spend 10 days in Mt. Hope, PA a few years ago when she was working at a horse farming event (she used to do that a lot). She loved it!!!! The closest I've come is Tennessee...But I think a road trip across the states is in order soon because all these photos just look incredible.
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