Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Fleeting Moment

Saturday morning as the sun rose I noticed the fog rolling through the hollow behind our home. An impromptu photo opportunity presented itself and for a short time a landscape I see every day was transformed into a thing of spectacular beauty. As with so many of the good things in life, the moment was fleeting and within minutes it was once again the familiar landscape I am so familiar with.


Chad Oneil Myers said...

Good fog pic.

Anonymous said...

I love fog when it hangs close to the ground. Nice shot.

photowannabe said...

I'm so glad you could capture this special moment. The wisps of fog make a beautiful photo.

Gabriella said...

What a marvelous view Salty dog!!! Just marvelous!

Lucy said...

It's stunning!

Kekiinani said...

Love the low ground fog. Very nice and mysterious image. :)

henri Banks said...

Nice pics you have here ;-)