Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Meet Paula

Our circle of friends recently added a new member

After years of trying, one miscarriage and biological clocks ticking our good friends Paul and Sindy were concerned that they may never have a child of their own. Last summer they received the good news, a baby was on the way. The doctors viewed it as a high risk pregnancy and predicted that she would never carry to term. The doctors insisted on weekly appointments and bed rest for much of the time.

Pretty little Paula arrived just two weeks ahead of schedule whole and healthy.
She is one lucky little girl. Many children enter this world unwanted but in Paula’s case she could not have been more wanted!


photowannabe said...

What a blessing. Those are some happy parents and Pretty Paula is just that...

Chad Oneil Myers said...

I'm glad Paul has his "duck" and a family now.

Kekiinani said...

What a great story. So happy that they are all AOK and Paula looks soooo cute as babies always do :) :)