Today I pause to celebrate the completion of my first year of Blogging.
It has been an interesting year to say the least. When I began I had no intention of doing anything serious with it. My son, Chad Oneil, and some of his friends began blogging. I in turn registered with blogger as Salty Dawg and began leaving mysterious comments on their post while dropping clues to my identity along the way. All were wracking their brain; following the clues in their attempt to solve the puzzle of the “Mystery Commenter” who seemed to know so much about them. In the end Chad “Super Sleuth” Oneil called our home and asked to speak with Salty Dawg! Having found the photoblogging community to be a friendly place I decided to clean things up and begin a reasonably serious piece of work.
I have been impressed with this online community. Particularly with the friendly, supportive comments which I very much appreciate. In a venue where all comments are for the most part anonymous, I have yet to receive a comment that I find offensive. I appreciate my loyal readers; you are the folks who drive me to make the next post at those times when I am experiencing Bloggers Block, you are the motivation forcing me to pick up the camera and head out at times when I feel I would rather sit on the porch. I enjoy reading your blogs and find inspiration in the writing and images you post.
I have learned much about our world from your blogs, I have enjoyed visiting many places both far and near through you photographs and I have learned a great deal from all of you about our common interest in photography.
During this past year I have made 184 posts. The purpose of each post varied; many were to share the beauty I encounter, in others I shared a glimpse of my life, past and present, some were to educate you the viewer on issues concerning wildlife management and sharing my opinion on these matters, while in others still I have shared the philosophy that I have developed while spending over one half of a century traveling down this path of life.
The image posted here is a compilation of one posted image selected from each month. As for now my plans are to take a few days off, collect some new images and then be back refreshed and renewed with great anticipation of the joys that my second year of blogging holds in store!
Thank you all for making this First Year of Blogging such an enjoyable and fulfilling experience!
Congratulations on your one year blogging. I really enjoy coming here and seeing what photos you post and learning things with the knowledge you put with your posts. I only been coming here for several months and first clicked on your site from Chads with the CDPB. Thanks for your many posts and keep them coming. It's also nice to have someones view point that knows my area.
Salty, I have so enjoyed your blog and feel like there is a special friendship among the Blogdom community.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary.
Its always good to step back , rest and renew the drive and interest. Just don't be gone too long. We will all miss your posts.
I'm really glad you got into this. I knew you could put some really good stuff up on here in both photo and commentary, and you have.
The collage is great! I really like it.
I love your collage! I've really had a good time reading your blogs and seeing your photo adventures first-hand over the last year. Even though I am not that far from home anymore, many of your posts make me feel even closer :)
Can't wait to see what pics you got on vacation!
Grats on one year, Salty. I, also, enjoy your blog so much and look forward to your return.
It really is amazing how close the blogging world has become. I've enjoyed getting to know you through your posts, learning about your growing up years, meeting your family, past and present, learning about your area, learning that a hunter can also be a lover and respecter of animals.
Thanks for sharing all these parts of your life with us. I've come to think of you as a dear friend.
Be well and come back rested and with new enthusism.
Happy anniversary Salty. I have visited Chad's blog and didn't realize you two were related. That is pretty neat.
Hope you enjoy your second year and thanks for your visits!
What a nice collage you have put together and congratulations on 1 year of your blog. I totally enjoy visiting your blog and look forward to your writing and images. Hope you enjoy your few days off... Aloha, Renee :)
Ha Ha...I remember the beginning. Gina was getting all freaked out and crazy...it was sooo funny. We kept thinking it was certain people at church. Congrats on a year!!! Whooohooo Your nature pics are very nice!
Dear Salty,
Congratulations!! What a blessing you have been to those of us fortunate enough to find your blog. I remember the "olden days" at the beginning when I knew something fishy was going on (after seeing you post a pic with Chad in it) and Chad told me the truth about your real identity. It was so exciting find out!
I'm thankful for your lovely photos, your wisdom, and your wit - AND the encouragement you provide other bloggers such as myself with your faithful, cheery coments.
Hope to see you back again soon, but have a lovely time away...
Thank you all for your lovely comments. They reinforce my belief in the intrinsic goodness of this blogging community!
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