While we celebrate this Independence Day let us not forget the cost. So often we honor our men and women in uniform past and present as the ones who have sacrificed that we may enjoy this great gift of Freedom. Let us not forget the sacrifice of their families at home. We cannot forget the mothers longing for their sons return, the young wife wondering if her child will ever see Daddy, the father lying down to rest after a hard days work only to find sleep will not come as he worries about what is happening to his son’s unit currently deployed in the desert sands. Let us not forget the grief of the families who’s loved one returns as a casualty of war.
Let us not waste the Great Gift of Freedom for which they all have paid so dearly. Our media thrives on reporting about what is wrong with America. Reports of our problems fill our air waves; friction between races, ethnic groups, citizenship status, political parties etc is reported by news anchors who’s demeanor suggest that they are an authority on each and every story they report when in fact they are only actors who’s job it is to drive ratings with no regard for the damage they may do.
In this age of Globalization some business leaders think only of the short-term profits outsourcing off-shore can bring. Wall Street money managers coolly calculate their next strategy of how to legally separated working people from their hard earned cash. We are over run by politicians whose main concern is filling their campaign chest that they may once again win reelection while representing their major campaign contributors and not the citizens of their district.
It is the responsibility of each citizen to let his or her voice be heard. Write your politicians, vote, attend local government meetings, become involved in your community,
Collage Notes: The banner in memory to Christopher Cutchall is from a memorial display on the side of his parents barn, The Helo’s along with the Marine & Sailor are images from the dedication of a Memorial for a young local Marine KIA in Iraq. The tombstone is that of my Great-Great Grandparents. Great-Great Grandfather served with Company B 3rd Regiment Maryland Volunteers in our Civil War.
Well, I don't want to be a part of the problem ;)
Good post.
Amen Friend. Everyone needs to vote and let their voice be heard.
I hope every American can really think about what July Forth means to this country.
Great collage Salty.
WOW this is a great collage with tons of emotions and meaning. Great job. Thanks for the nice narrative.. :) :)
Very nice. Love the photo even though it's a sad moment. I salute you.
A tremendous post. I like it all.
Abraham Lincoln
Read about the robins
Read about Japanese Beetles
Happy 4th Salty.. and amen to your post.
Happy 4th! And I never forget that freedom is not free. Thanks for sharing this!
My profile image lost it's link for some reason, hopefully it stays fixed now.
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