Wednesday, July 25, 2007

When Cruisers don’t Cruise

Apparently we were not alone with Murphy during our ill fated vacation. My wife captured this image while returning home through Cambridge Md.


Chad Oneil Myers said...

Good job, Mom ;)

photowannabe said...

That was some vacation you had. I love the shot your wife took. I guess misery loves company...

photowannabe said...

I just saw that your blog isn't titled Northern Lights anymore.
I like your new one...Country Captures. It fits your variety of shots.

Kekiinani said...

Now that is one way of your state to save funds on gas!!! :) :) Great shot it made me laugh.. :)

lv2scpbk said...

Nice shot. I knew that didn't look like a PA cruiser.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

...He won't be catching any speeders that way ;)

Anonymous said...

Hehe.. Maybe the car is being impounded :) Funny shot.

Gabriella said...

ha ha ha.