A hungry little bee flew in to feed while I was photographing this pretty yellow meadow flower. The bee changed this photo from just another pretty flower shot into something special.
As so often happens in life the unexpected becomes the most memorable
That's the flower I was telling you
about that I couldn't remember the name. There is also a white version of it. It is "Moth Mullen". The spelling on mullen may not be correct, but it is close.
Very true statement.
"Moth Mullen", sounds like a good band name ;)
Very nice catch Salty.
Super catch of that bee in flight. Really nice.
Sorry I still can't post my pictures. Not sure how to fix it but I will keep trying.
HA... we both posted flower/bee images. What a crack up!! Great shot you got and you are sooo right adding a bee to the flower image does make it special. :) :)
Great mid-air shot!!
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