Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Seeing the Unexpected

Macro Photography frequently reveals details that would otherwise be overlooked

I failed to notice this tiny spider until I was focusing for the shot


lv2scpbk said...

Beautiful flowers. My grandson loves yellow. I figured you might like the fishing photo, even if it is a kids toy. It would be nice if he does get interested in fishing. I went many moons ago with my dad.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Scary little guy.

Anonymous said...

I can see why you didn't see him before. He sure blends in. Nice macro Salty.

photowannabe said...

Perhaps its a cammeleon(sp?) spider. it sure blends in.

Tom said...

Very easy to have been missed, I still had to look twice before noticing it. When it is enlarged it is perfectly blended to its surrounding. Great picture.

Lori said...

There are lots of times we fail to see things until we take a closer view.

Lovely flower...I'll take mine w/out the spider, though!

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Its indeed true:
"you have to look better"
Than I saw the insect also

i amde a pic od a blackberrie ( or raspberrie?) Last week, also with an insect on it ,no name insect' I call that an 'extra present' in photography!

Very pretty shot and well captured,

JoAnn :)