Tuesday, October 09, 2007



Kerri Farley said...

Perfect Caption. I love the fog. Nice shot!

photowannabe said...

Beautiful composition. It looks like our other home scenery. Good title.

Tom said...

Beautiful setting, I love the way my eyes were drawn down hill into the clouds below.

lv2scpbk said...

It's kind of eery but peaceful looking.

Mr. Mapper said...

Great shot!

Willard said...

An excellent shot of one of my favorite wild plants

Shionge said...

It'll never stand alone with us sharing this beautiful shot :)

Lucy said...

Very sad...

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous background. I don't see it as lonely. Its more like a shining star, standing proudly as it points to the sky.

Anonymous said...

That is some shot. I like it and I suppose that view of the world sets it apart from almost everything else. I like the mist and colors. It must have taken a fair effort to get up that high and for your sake I hope you took a car, horse or helicopter. There was a time, back in 1952, when I used to climb some pretty high mountains around Arizona, and boy, nowadays, I think back to those times and the wild things I used to see. Wild goats way up there. Those wild pigs that will chase people -- javelinas -- and those gila monsters. I never had a camera then but got my first one the next year in the Army (1953) in a PX in Yokohama, Japan.

Catherine said...

Lovely shot!! It does look lonely~but in a wonderful way!!
Is that Verbascum in the foreground...?
Lovely capture as always!!