Thursday, October 11, 2007

Vivid Colors of Evening

A partly cloudy evening provided me with this warm spotlight effect. My interest was drawn by the contrast between sun & shadows with remnants of an old shed providing the left frame.


Tom said...

Both pictures are stunning Salty, very warm glow to them, you and your brother have a very good eye for this. Visual Artist the pair of you.

Anonymous said...

I had to enlarge the picture and read the description looking for a tiny shed on the left side somewhere at the point of the green and trees. I never saw it and then it dawned on me the big thing on the left side isn't a tree trunk -- it is the shed. Duh.

I guess I need to see an eye doctor.

ASHE said...

Beee-a-yoo-tee-ful! A classic country capture :)

Catherine said...

I love the old shed to the left...that is a Gorgeous photo!!
Beautiful contrast!
Great capture!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Great new header!

Lori said...

How lovely! Isn't this the most beautiful time of year? I always want it to last...

Anonymous said...

The golden hour. Love the light and your new header.

Willard said...

Only trouble is "Ole Porky" just may charge you a "sightseeing fee for looking at and photographing his shed and field.
Just Kidding!

photowannabe said...

Hey Salty, I love your new header and this shot is Autumn all over. Really beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I love the fall colors and can see why you were drawn to the shadows and light here. Beautiful capture.

lv2scpbk said...

Beautiful lighting.

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imac said...

WOW, very very impressed with your photos Salty. They are certainly very colourful.

Jill said...

Very nice! Nice warm sunshine colors.

Juhi said...
