This weekend our county hosts its 34th annual Fulton Fall Folk Festival. A local resident found fit to the greet visitors arriving from the west on the Lincoln Highway with this Autumn themed display.
The attractions encompass the entire county with arts & crafts, flea markets and yard sales nearly everywhere along with displays of antique farm machinery. Our normally quiet roads are abuzz with much more traffic than our country roads were designed to handle.
This festival was conceived as a way to celebrate our rural heritage and designed that all local people may participate as they see fit :)
Good gravy! I sure didn't get anything as scandalous as this :)
Is that a representation of J.R. mooning Dale?
Love it!! Funny! That is one fall display that won't go un~ noticed :) This weekend is our Fall Foliage Festival...sounds the same as your's...art's & crafts, antique's, flea market's & yard sales...yummy food, & more traffic
:) Enjoy,
How Funny! Hope you have lots of fun!
PS - Thank you for your kind comments on my blog.
This is too funny. I've never see one like this before.
That's is a creative use for pumpkins. Good stealthy capture Salty!
This appeals to my sense of humour Salty, I you don't mind if I copy this, it will go with all the rest I'm collecting, along with Scarecrows and witch's.. The witch's are for Jane... she dosen't get to see her family tht often ha! ;-) I'll be for it when she checks this out later.
We don't have anything so good as this, I do hope you all enjoy it. I'm looking forward to seeing what you find to shoot.
nice shot
Sounds a good show hope you enjoy and get lots of piccies.Dont think i'll buy those 2 pumpkins, haha love the idea.Shhhhh, dont tell but I thought it was Tom. :).
:L :L :L :L :L :L
OOPS! Those things above are laughing faces that I am used ot using from another site! *LAUGH* hahaha!~
Amazing display of cheeks. LOL
I remember when the new vocational school opened the first year near here. We were in the parking lot listening to sober remarks along with many other students and honored guests when we all heard a car horn and all turned to look and were greeted by a buttocks display out the side window much like this one. I still laugh about it.
Nice photo.
Great photo! Yes, it does remind me of the pumpkin people photo I have on my blog!
Thank you for visiting my blog today. Your's is wonderful!!!
Very Cheeky Salty. Sounds like everyone gets into the act one way or another. Good shot.
Very funny and first time I see just creativity ;)
Hi there Salty. Read your comment elsewhere ~ that an autumn display in that blog, was more "socially acceptable" than one you had posted.
So of course, I had to come over to see what that was!!! And a fun one it is! ,-)
Your area Fulton Fall Folk Festival sounds great and wish we were closer, to be able to partake.
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