This evening’s blustery wind was busily ripping the few remaining leaves from the trees
After noticing the leaves sailing through the air it became a challenge to capture one as it sailed by on its one way trip to the ground. This endeavor proved to be no easy task and the beautiful evening passed by all too quickly.
You did a good job catching that one! I thought about gathering a bunch up and getting my husband to dump them slowly so I could try to catch a picture but I never got around to it. lol
Too bad you didn't catch that leaf...it probably ended up in my gutters like millions of others.
How neat is this?! I love this photograph, as I do all your others.
You must be getting the wind we had yesterday. I told my co-workers I felt like I was in the middle of the story of Pooh and the Blustery Day!
That's pretty good. You were more sucessful than I. I I get with my camera is sky. Its too slow on the reaction time.
That is an idea. I have not tried it yet but I have tried snowflakes. You seem to have got this one just about perfect.
If you haven't enlarged this one then do.. what a great capture this one is.. Blown up the leaf looks perfect.. wekk timed Salty.
I can't tell you how many times I've tried to do this.....and it NEVER comes out for me. ALWAYS ends up blurred for me.
Glad it worked for you....and now I know it can be done.
Wonderful shot!!!
Goodbye Autumn.Hello Winter.
Great capture Salty.
Ah perfect WOW
Wow! Congratulations on persevering and getting this great shot!
Nice shot. There's a storm coming tomorrow night they say. Suppose to get 1 to 4" of snow and then it's going to be freezing rain. Brrrr! Hope it passes us.
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