With the mercury hovering around 20 deg F this morning the inclination to follow the geese is strong. Unlike the geese I must stay here to face yet another winter.
Where did we humans go wrong? We proudly say we live in freedom but we must only look to the birds to see an example of true freedom.
Consider the life of a Wild Goose; energy, home building, food prices, insurance, taxes, education, child care, and health care are of no concern. The goose is not bound by any laws. He goes where he pleases, gathers food where ever he finds it, and rest wherever he pleases. He has no concern for water bills or sewer; why only yesterday as I jumped into my truck I noticed where a high flying goose had “bombed” my bed mounted toolbox making a total mess of it and the rear window.
Looking up at a flock of high flying geese I see freedom, true freedom; a freedom that for we humans is utterly unattainable.
Where did we humans go wrong? We proudly say we live in freedom but we must only look to the birds to see an example of true freedom.
Consider the life of a Wild Goose; energy, home building, food prices, insurance, taxes, education, child care, and health care are of no concern. The goose is not bound by any laws. He goes where he pleases, gathers food where ever he finds it, and rest wherever he pleases. He has no concern for water bills or sewer; why only yesterday as I jumped into my truck I noticed where a high flying goose had “bombed” my bed mounted toolbox making a total mess of it and the rear window.
Looking up at a flock of high flying geese I see freedom, true freedom; a freedom that for we humans is utterly unattainable.
What a beautiful post and so true!
Salty: I hear you about freedom...I really do...but I like to enjoy the snow and come inside and be warm in winter. I feel bad for critters when the temps plummet. I'm not sure all that freedom is worth it. Did I say I didn't mind paying $3+ per gallon of gasoline....hmmmm, perhaps I will reconsider the freedom thing....
Yes, you photo and entry are beautiful.
But... You and I are not being shot at, along our travel route....
We have all heard the well worn cliché, Freedom is not Free.
Great shot.
Freedom to where Salty???
Follow the swans------
-----Hi, just to let you know canal post 2 is now up.
Great Shot Salty! Geese are some of my favorite birds!
Good capture and post. I don't think I have photographed flying geese since our Minolta SRT days.
Hi, Last post of canal up now
Fabulous, the shot as well as the post
Great post Salty...
I was out in the back late last Saturday night.. and I could hear the geese flying over... I just managed to make out two V formations high up, but I know there were many more. I think these are coming here for the winter or will be stopping off.
I appreciate your words. I was recently reading a book about birds and birdwatching. The author said that there are a number of species whose breeding grounds have not been located, and that we don't know what the true extent of their range is. The saw-whet owl is an example in Pennsylvania. For a long time, no one knew they ever came here, and now its known that thousands migrate through.
Its amazing that there can still be so much mystery in this world, and that birds can still be so free.
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