With deer season in full swing, this buck needs all of the speed he can muster.
I captured this image last week. I wonder if his speed and whit have been sufficient to keep his hide intact.
I captured this image last week. I wonder if his speed and whit have been sufficient to keep his hide intact.
I sure hope he outran any hunters out there. I've seen the big buck from my yard again, so he survived at least the first two days of hunting season. I'm happy to report I haven't heard any gun fire so far....I'm crossing my fingers that it stays that way. I'm a novice when it comes to photography...do you think my shots of wildlife would be clearer if I used the "sport image" icon setting...for action shots?
Lets hope so.
Nice photograph. Very exciting to see them like this, free.
He's beautiful! I can't imagine pointing a gun or bow at such a wondrous creature. To each his own, I suppose.
Im sure he'll last out the winter, looks as if he has the speed. Another good shot Salty.
Terrific action shot Salty. He is a magnificent creature.
Need your expertise on my blog please.
Great shot, but his chances of survival are not great and they would be a lot less if it were not for a lot of posted ground in the area and the night and day attention of two retired wardens.
What a great capture! Let's hope he has out run them all.
I am another that hope he made it... and if not he died quickly and did not do to waste.
Another great Country Capture
Hope he made it.....Lovely shot with him in mid stride!
I am worrying about him, because the rifle hunting season in PA has begun since this Monday.
We went to Harrisburg Arts & Crafts show today and seen a deer running for it's life. There's no way I could have captured it.
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