Today marks our Fourteenth Wedding Anniversary
Fourteen short years ago today; on a hot Father’s Day afternoon, I married my soul-mate. Along with a wonderful wife I also gained a great son that day.
They say time flies when you’re having fun, so this marriage must be fun, for I don’t know how those fourteen years slipped by so quickly.
Happy Anniversary!
Salty: Congraulation to you and your wife on this great day.
Happy Anniversary Salty and Mrs. Salty!!
You are a blessing from God!
Thanks for posting a picture from our Wedding Day!
I want to wish you the happiest of Anniversary wishes to you and your lovely wife. may there be many more years of happiness together.
That day I gained a Dad.
Happy Anniversary guys!
Happy Anniversary to you, Salty, and the Mrs. Congrats! So glad you two found each other.
Sorry I missed sending my regards yesterday Salty.. better late then never and you and your family have my best regard and respect always..
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