A Whitetail Doe wades the creek on a warm June evening
Summer is a time of plenty for the whitetail deer. Food is plentiful, with cover seldom more than a few jumps away. The rigors of the winter, the rut, and hunting seasons are all in the past with blood sucking insects now being the major annoyance.
This doe seemed to be enjoying her stroll through the cool waters. Like the doe I too enjoy a refreshing wade on a hot summers evening.
Idyllic! A lovely photo.
Silently.....silently....very silently, gosh this is beautiful :DD
Another beautiful country capture!
Summer is a time of plenty for the whitetail deer, and they are enjoying my garden :( even if food is plentiful, I posted a fawn in my latest post, & a button buck, or maybe it's called a spike last post! Enjoyed your shot before of the whitetail hightailing it..:)
Have a beautiful week!
Very nice catch.
Salty: Wonderful shot, do you fish this creek?
What a lovely place! A wonderful reflection you caught too!
This is the kind of sighting that most give such pleasure, it gives me pleasure to see the resulting picture.
This has summer written all over it. I'd like to dip my toes in there too.
Very nice shot Salty.
What a great capture Salty - love the reflections too.
Very poetic photo - beautiful.
Great catch! Love the reflection.
magnificent and the daylily how I miss those in yellow and orange in WVa. none of that in Fla but pretty substitutes.
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