While boating around a small cove, I was captivated by the reflection cast by the wood duck nest box on the placid water. While observing this delightful reflection I began reflecting upon the history of the lake.
This lake, which has furnished me with the waterfowl shots I have been sharing for the last two months, is a man made lake. The lake is situated on lands owned by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, built and maintained by the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission.
Fulton County, home to many streams and creeks has no natural lakes. Thanks to the dream of Carl Jarrett, a former PGC Game Protector, and much political wrangling on his part, the 204 acre Meadow Grounds Lake became a reality in the mid 1960’s.
Carl passed away a few years ago but his legacy continues to provide habitat for wildlife and a quiet place for humans to spend many delightful hours enjoying the outdoors.
What a wonderful dream to see fulfilled. The Lake has given us so many pictures to enjoy. I am grateful to one man's passion and vision.
Salty: Very nice reflective photo, I'm glad you honored this fine man who had such forthought. Without his actions, we would have missed these wonderful pictures.
Great tribute post Salty.... it really looks a great place from the pictures you have post. It must have made Carl Jarrett a proud man to see it being used and attracting such wildlife
Yes, I would imagine Carl Jarrett would be a happy person knowing his lake is still being used and benefiting wildlife as well as man. Nice photo.
What a legacy
thanks for sharing
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