Sunday, July 13, 2008

Red Dragonfly

Last weekend while fishing I noticed many large dark colored dragonflies patrolling along the lake shore along with a very few smaller red ones. This weekend the red dragonflies seemed to outnumber the others.

This dragonfly allowed me to drift the boat right up to the sprig of marsh grass it was resting on.

I attempted to identify this creature by checking some web sites but was unsuccessful. If any of you viewers could enlighten me I would appreciate it.


EG CameraGirl said...

I have photo of a similar red dragonfly that I haven't identified yet. I've just begun my search though.

Louise said...

That is one beautiful dragonfly!

I have NO idea what it is, but the guy at this blog has some resources linked, and he seems to know about every bug in his region of the country.

Anonymous said...

I see Louise gave you Marvin's blog and if he doesn't know he will find out. From weeds to everything else he seems to be an expert in many fields besides photography

I like your photograph. I am never able to see dragonflies here at home but sometimes see them at small ponds when I go to one.

Thanks for the visit and comment on my blog.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville, Ohio

Misty DawnS said...

That is a gorgeous dragonfly! I've got photos of blue, green, brown, and tan... but no red... this is SO COOL!

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Hi Salty! I don't know what it is, but it sure is pretty. Lisa

photowannabe said...

Stunning closeup. I like his foot holding on to the blade of grass. Beautiful.

Ashrunner said...

Nice shot. I do believe what you have there is a Calico Pennant.

Kerri Farley said...

I just saw my very first red/orange dragonfly this weekend!
He looks similar to yours...and I have no idea what kind it is.
Fabulous capture!!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: Very nice capture of a great looking dragonfly. I never saw a red one.

EG CameraGirl said...

I think the dragonfly may be a Calico Pennant drgonfly.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Very cool.

Tom said...

Hi Salty.. no idea at all but I know Mervin is your best bet.. or try the BUG Guide site he uses so well.


i beati said...

I've never seen a red dragonfly not ever ever.y posts are on the 13th .. sk

imac said...

Great captur Salty

Anonymous said...

Sorry... I looked in my little book and did not see one that's red or has those dots.

Pretty though!!

Leedra said...

Never seen a red one. Love the photo.

Dwayne "the canoe guy" said...

I saw a red dragonfly this past Thursday, first one I have ever seen.