Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tuscarora Sunrise

As I watched the sun rise from the top of Tuscarora Mountain looking down over the sleepy village of Ft. Loudon nestled in the shadows of both the Kittatinny and Broad Mountain in the distance, I could not help but think back to how this must have appeared at an earlier time.

The village, Fort Loudon, takes it name from an English fort constructed during the French & Indian war era. It has the distinction of being the first English fort in the New World to be attacked by colonist. Over ten years preceding the revolution James Smith and his Black Boys laid siege to the fort demanding the release of settlers imprisoned there.

For you history buffs out there a Google search will reveal a great deal of information regarding Smith and his daring forays. Although Smith was an important activist during this period, history overlooks his exploits. Smith, a very vocal detractor of General George Washington, may well have brought this oversight upon himself.

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This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: A wonderful view of the mountains in your area of PA. I have hunted in the Kittanning area for deer.

bobbie said...

A soft, wonderful, glowing sunrise! Very lovely.

Brad Myers said...

Always great photographs from you. Even more special is they are somewhat from my area.

Linda said...

This is a wonderful photo. I love the colors. Very lovely.

Kahshe Cottager said...

How pretty this is. It could be a painting!

My Sky Watch Photos are posted Here and Here

Carletta said...

Very beautiful!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Very nice, Dad.

Anonymous said...

I love how it looks like individual layers. Makes it look like the mountains go back forever. Beautiful sky.

HFD60 said...

Great image of the sunrise over the mountains of PA....

AphotoAday said...

What a subtle photo...
Quite nice...

Snap Catch said...

The way of fortune is like the milkyway in the sky.... Wonderful capture for skywatch! Mine's up too hope you can drop by, asking for your vote too... thanks a lot! Happy weekend

imac said...

What a glowing capture Salty.

Anonymous said...

Very picturesque. Wonderful photo.


photowannabe said...

Very mystical and quite lovely. I love the softness of this picture.

Arija said...

Lovely photo, I could hsppily sit snf look at it all dsy.

Maria's Space said...

Soft and pretty. Love it.

Jane Hards Photography said...

So beautiful. It really is a mystical image.

Catherine said...

Salty~ Beautiful mountains & sunrise capture for skywatch~I was too busy to join in the fun this friday, but glad I got to see your beautiful image!
I like the way you used your image for the sky watch photo/link~very clever!