With their attention riveted upon an approaching smaller bull the dominate herd bull and his cow watch his every move.
Finding and photographing Pennsylvania elk is not difficult for those who choose to visit Winslow Hill, the center of the Pennsylvania elk tourist area.
Oft times the elk are observed in lawns, around buildings or in other areas with equally unattractive backgrounds. The most daunting task for the photographer becomes that of attempting to get good lighting, a decent background and the elk all in one place and then to capture the moment when the animal poses just right.
They really are being watchful. Very attentive.
Such magnificent creatures, Salty! I think elk are the next best thing to moose....that we don't have in PA....do we?
Perfect pose and your lighting and background work so well. I am enjoying this series immensly.
Just a beautiful photograph. Nice work.
Very impressive. I wish I could see that once!
Salty: I must say you certainly did all three with this shot. I also enjoyed your photo on Willards post. That must have been a fun time.
Great photos as usual. (1) How far were you from the elk in this shot, and (2) I wouldn't mind seeing a bull elk in an urban setting, if you have one handy! That would certainly be a shock in contrasts.
Wow now that is an intimidatinig photo. Well done and thanks for sharing!
Nice composition and colors.
You always have such wonderful shots on here. I get to Benezette often and never get the great shots you do!
Wow...I don't see stuff like this and it is a wonderful photo!
Elks are such magnificent animals. You've done a beautiful job here.
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