Thursday, November 13, 2008

SkyWatch on Skyline Drive

Blue skies and distant mountains provided the backdrop for this self-timer shot.

We created this image at one of the many overlooks along Skyline Drive in Virginia’s beautiful Shenandoah National Park.

For more Sky Watch and to join the fun click HERE


Ivar Østtun said...

A beautiful moment, Salty. Well captured. I wish you both a wonderful weekend.

Louise said...

The colors are fantastic. Living in the west, I first thought you were traveling this directions and the mountains were red stone. Then I looked closer. What a beautiful place to be!

Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful shot of you and Mrs. Salty!

EG CameraGirl said...

What a lovely backdrop for a family photo. You must have moved very fast to make sure you were included in the picture. ;-)

Brad Myers said...

Nice to see the person behind the camera.

Do you really see Thomas Mangelson himself? He is one of my faorite wildlife photographers.

Anonymous said...

If ever I see a scenic place just like that, I will surely have my picture taken! Great shot!

My SWF photos are posted here and here. Please stop by if you have some time. Thanks!

Photo Cache said...

smiling faces---always nice to see. beautiful background.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful photo, the sky, the fall colors and of course the people.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

the two of you makes the photo complete and perfect!!
FM-SWF#2-Point Edward

Shelley said...

I think you should frame this photo - nice smiling faces and a beautiful backdrop!

gina said...

very beautiful sky and background.

Unknown said...

Great view. Looks like good times.

Grammy said...

I love your photo it is amazing.
Happy SWF!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

There's my Mom and Dad. ;)

Anonymous said...

Very nice scene behind you two guys. Nice self timed shot.

Michele said...

A perfect portrait photo! You could not ask for a better environment as your backdrop! Very nice indeed.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful way to display the sky. Great shot :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: A neat capture of you two at that neat overlook.

Dawn Fine said...

nice pic..of the smoky sky...and the happy couple..autumn has come...

photowannabe said...

Smiling faces for your early morning, but with that view I can't blame you. Hi to Mrs Salty too.

Misty DawnS said...

What a fantastic shot... beautiful scenery and a gorgeous couple!

Meggie said...

What a fab shot of you and Mrs. Salty in the mountains. Looks like a Christmas card photo to me...