Thursday, December 04, 2008

SkyWatch: SNP, Sunlight & Shadow

I captured this image one chilly November morning in SNP at the Spitler Knoll overlook. The sky was completely cloud covered at daybreak but as the morning wore on it began to clear from west to east. As the scattered rays of sunlight broke through they painted the mountains and valleys with beautiful patterns of sun and shadow.

As with all transient light the beautiful light show ended nearly as quickly as it had begun as the last of the storm clouds rolled away allowing the sun to evenly light the area.

For more Skywatch and to join in click


Kahshe Cottager said...

A simply stunning photo! I love the layers of colour in the sky and the landscape.

Anonymous said...

Lovely capture of a moment time. Thanks for joining us in skywatching this week.

Maria's Space said...

Very pretty sky and landscape

Sharon said...

What a pretty landscape. I love all the purples.


Guy D said...

The colors in your pic are outstanding, well done.

Regina In Pictures

Anonymous said...

Great depth here. Those mountains go on forever.

Cactus Jack Splash said...

I love the hills behind hills, behind hills...just looks like you could walk right into the picture

Cathy said...

What a beautiful place.

Leedra said...

Lovely colors. Great SWF

Unknown said...

It's a good feeling to see a sky of clouds breaking up, and watching the light and blue come in behind. I had a similar experience on a hike down the Grand Canyon, and yes, it changed our plan of attack on how much of the canyon we could do. It gave us that extra boost.

angie {the arthur clan} said...

The layers of color are beautiful...what a lovely location to take a sky photo at.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

A terrific shot Coy. I love those suttle shades of pinks and blues. It makes it look soft and beautiful.

Lori said...

What a lovely shot. I've never seen country quite like that before.

Anonymous said...

beautiful shot. so colorful.

gina said...

beautiful. i love the colors, the depth, it's really beautiful.

Jane Hards Photography said...

A beautiful palette of colours painted across the sky.

Inkivääri said...

So nice colours!

Kerri Farley said...

This is lovely! I love that tree to the left too!

Cindy said...

Such a beautiful view!
Yours is the third blog this morning that I have added to my "Blogs I Love" list.
My Skywatch post is Here Hope you can stop by.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what I wouldn't give to be there right about now instead of behind this desk and in front of this computer screen! Very nicely captured. The hues in this photo are amazing!

I'm looking at the sky here.

imac said...

Great capture Salty, love the colours.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: What a neat capture of the wonderful morning sky.

photowannabe said...

What a glorious way to start the day. Beautiful.

Arija said...

Lovely calming landscape and adorable raccoons above.

Judy said...

I love the colours, and all the contrasting colours in this photo!
Thanks for sharing!

Craig Glenn said...

Richard from atthewater blog, recomended your site. Glad he did. Very nice shots of a beautiful part of the country. Look forward to folloing you blog in the future.
