With high temperatures barely rising above the single digits and tonight’s low to drop below the 0 F point the bone chilling cold is seeping into every nook and cranny. As if that isn’t bad enough today the company I work for sent over three hundred employees on their way clutching a bundle of papers containing their unemployment information.
At first it looked as though we could possibly weather the downturn in the world economy by moving more work into our facility but eventually, as with the winter, the chill of the economy began to take its effect on the 2009 build schedule.
I now wait the awakening of spring, the first shoots of new grass, the first leaves, and the first signs of a rebirth in the economy.
At first it looked as though we could possibly weather the downturn in the world economy by moving more work into our facility but eventually, as with the winter, the chill of the economy began to take its effect on the 2009 build schedule.
I now wait the awakening of spring, the first shoots of new grass, the first leaves, and the first signs of a rebirth in the economy.
An icicle tree?That image certainly portays a cold winter day.
I agree, if the housing industry does not turn around the brand new brick plant my husband is helping get started will be shutting along with all the other brick plants. Then we will have made all these major changes in our lives for nothing.
Something needs to give big time, and I guess the cold weather does not help our outlook at all.
Photography By Leedra
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
You picture fits the mood well. Cold and dreary. I sure hope with a new president starting next week maybe things will start to look better. Try and stay warm and hopefully at least the weather will get better soon.
Oh, Salty....sorry to hear about the layoffs! I hope you weren't one of them!! We are definitely going through some rough patches here in the US.....hopefully things will turn around soon.
Love the picture!
A very sad post Salty... theres many job loses over here as well at the moment... my eldest lost his job on the run up to Christmas... and many folks I know are living with the worry of job cuts.
It can only get worse before it gets better I've been hearing... I hope that's not true.
Looks like a beautiful ice sculpture!
Geeze, that's not good news at all Salty... I'm hearing that a lot from a lot of my good friends lately. It breaks my heart.
Keep warm out there, those temps. sound mighty cold.
Mountain Retreat
I love ice clinging to trees. We don't get that much in New Mexico. And spring here is my least favorite season, so I look forward, very fervently to SUMMER!
Salty: We went down to -12F, that was way yo cold for me. Lovely capture of the ice covered tree.
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