With landing gears extended, wings & tail acting as air brakes; a Great Egret prepares to land in the Florida marsh. These birds are impressive when stalking the marshland but when their great wings are spread a majestic image appears.
In comments on my last post Meggie asked if I were still in Florida. Sad to say, no. Since our Florida visit I have been working through the collection of new images in my spare time and have found little time for outdoor photography. Of course, the cold weather and gray skies have played a part also.
The shear amount of birdlife in Florida is simply awesome. A few hours at a good location there can produce hundreds if not thousands of images.
During previous trips I shot extensively in Lakeland city parks where birdlife was completely acclimated to humans. This time was different. The area south of St. Cloud around Lake Kissimmee and Lake Marion were to the best of my knowledge open to public hunting. I noticed quite a bit of waterfowl hunting being conducted on Lake Kissimmee. The non game species were not appreciably wilder and I observed a greater variety while the hunted varieties of waterfowl were difficult to observe and virtually impossible to photograph.
In comments on my last post Meggie asked if I were still in Florida. Sad to say, no. Since our Florida visit I have been working through the collection of new images in my spare time and have found little time for outdoor photography. Of course, the cold weather and gray skies have played a part also.
The shear amount of birdlife in Florida is simply awesome. A few hours at a good location there can produce hundreds if not thousands of images.
During previous trips I shot extensively in Lakeland city parks where birdlife was completely acclimated to humans. This time was different. The area south of St. Cloud around Lake Kissimmee and Lake Marion were to the best of my knowledge open to public hunting. I noticed quite a bit of waterfowl hunting being conducted on Lake Kissimmee. The non game species were not appreciably wilder and I observed a greater variety while the hunted varieties of waterfowl were difficult to observe and virtually impossible to photograph.
You got a lot of good stuff while out there on your excursions!
Majestic!I think that about descibes the bird.
Amazing photo - looks like he's going to give you a hug!!
What an incredible photo!
I agree about Florida. I was there a week ago. I did not have an opportunity to go watch/take pictures of birds, but I was amazed at the giant ones that were flying over all the time. Next trip I'll stay an extra day to just go somewhere and watch.
Your pics make me want to book my next vacation to THIS EXACT SPOT! WOW! This is an amazing shot!
WOW! STUNNING capture! I've never seen an egret before. Yours looks quite majestic!
You always have the greatest pictures! I also love your icicle tree below - lovely!
Please greet Mrs. Salty for me as well! :-)
It seems as if you had a fantastic trip Coy as you have been posting many exceptional photographs.
This is an elegant looking bird in white. Such beauty is hard to find in many other birds. Though I often admire some but not all in white.
I have two new blogs to show you:
Dips Pen
Abraham Lincoln's Blog
Good shot Salty, you were in the right position as he came in for a landing. The temps are warming up now, giving you a chance to get out.
Wow, this is for me an outstanding photo. Great captured Salty.
I have a similiar photo from the rookery at St Augustine Alligator Farm last year. I call it Honey I am home!
Beautiful capture!
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
Wow -- what an incredible shot!
This is one of my favorite bird shots of yours. Awesome.. :) :)
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