A small bird for a change
For the past month most of my posts are of the “glamour” bird species I encountered during my Florida vacation. Today’s post is of a much smaller bird, the Loggerhead Shrike.
Although the Loggerhead Shrike’s range includes nearly all of the continental United States this encounter at Joe Overstreet was my first. I found through internet research that this bird has been listed in Canada as an endangered species since 1991.
This small masked bandit is a prety good looking fellow.
Never seen one of these, don't even think I have ever heard of one. Great capture!
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
Great shot, and yes it is always the smallest ones that are hardest to capture ...
i'm just iscovering your blog via Shelley. A wonderful place to discover. This picture of shrike is wonderful. I'll continue my tour later this week.
Oh Salty....he is a beauty! I've never seen one of these guys before.
Beautiful! I recently "caught" my first Loggerhead as well. Turned out to be quite accommodating and fearless.
Great shot! Seems to be Joe Overstreet is a good place, huh?
To bad I didn't know you were in the neighborhood!
Cheers, Klaus
A lovely bird and looks like a typial shrike. We have 5-6 of them here too. I love the hawk featured below too. All in all, this seems to have been a great trip Coy. From the other blogs I have seen, Florida seems like THE place to go for bird photography. And warmer weather. :)
Salty: Wonderful capture of the neat little bird. It is dressed like a robber with the mask.
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