Saturday, March 14, 2009

Boating for Photos: Canada Goose

A Canada Goose patters across the water’s surface during takeoff

With the local lake finally clear of ice, I decided yesterday that this morning would be my first boating foray for the year. I was greeted by a heavy frost and the thermometer standing at 30 F under overcast skies. Launching at first light it was some time before decent photographic light arrived.

There was some waterfowl present but not the numbers I was hoping for. By the time I was ready to call it quits I had observed the following; Ring-necked Ducks, Mallards, Wood Ducks, Bufflehead and Canada Geese. All of the waterfowl was quite skittish apparently with still fresh memories of the fall & winter hunting seasons.

A pair of Canada Geese did allow me to maneuver the boat to within camera range and as I slowly closed the remaining distance was rewarded with this image.

For more Camera Critters visit our friend Misty at her Camera Critters Blog


Kerri Farley said...

Excellent Capture Salty! He looks like he's walking on water!

Craig Glenn said...

One of the coolest shots ever!


Noner said...

See, I can TOO walk on water!

I played today at My Ordinary Things

Bryan said...

Great goose capture! They're one of my favorite subjects to photograph.

Brad Myers said...

Great action shot Coy, I was wondering how you made out and thought of you when I was leaving work this morning in the cold. Looking forward to a few more from this morning.

Tootie said...

Love the photo! Looks like the goose is running across the water to take off.

Michele said...

Ah, this is truly a wonderful photo and I am eagerly waiting for ice off on the lakes here so they may return to our area!

Mel said...

Great shot Salty!
Nicely "captured" :)

Tink *~*~* said...

Nice action shot - can almost hear the splashes!

Happy Critturday!
Tink *~*~*

NOW PLAYING at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
My Top 5 FUNky Facts About Pelicans

FAB said...

I can hear the feet 'pattering' accross the water. Excellent shot Coy.

Catherine said...

What a capture Salty!! Is that what they mean by the saying treading water..?!
Fantastic images as always Salty!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thats a great shot Coy. It seems like a good amount of species to me.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: I'm jealous, the boat is out and you captured a water walking goose. That is an amazing shot, I've never seen them do that. They always seem to explode from the water.

Coy Hill said...

Fishing Guy,
During a goose flush the eye only sees flying water and the goose is a blur, the camera stops the action that we can see what is really happening.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Needless to say this is excellent. At last though a bird I go can say we get here.

Unknown said...

That's a surprisingly long wingspan. And if I remember correctly, geese take a bit of a runway to get airborne.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to tell you the other day that I have brought back my hawks blog. Blogger saved the name for me. I have started posted in it again and have a lot of pictures yet to post.

I have seen the geese take off. I call it walking on water which they do. And sometimes they eat a bit too much and have a big problem getting up off the water.

i beati said...

looks like he's walking on water sandy

Montanagirl said...

It's a keeper. I like how the water drops are following the Goose out of the water.

imac said...

Brill capture Salty, really get the speed up - dont they.

Dianne said...

you captured a perfect moment! beautiful

Ken Conger Photography said...

Like the action shot Coy. The wing extension and foot position make is special. Blue Skies.

Manz said...

Rewarded indeed!!

You got everything right in this image -composition, movement, focus, depth of field, colour balance...

I like your work.

Willard said...

Looks like a calendar shot, or as Buckwheat would say "front cover shot".

Ivar Østtun said...

Really great and well composed shot. I like it :-)