Saturday, March 28, 2009

Return of the Loons

The light seeped slowly through the morning fog as I prepared to once again launch my little boat. I was a little disappointed with this morning's dreary weather and more disappointed when I arrived at the lake to find that a bass fishing tournament was in progress. The prospects of a morning of waterfowl photography could not have been much worse. As I was stowing my gear onboard through the fog came the distinctive beautiful call of a Loon. Once again the Loons have returned!

It was not until nearly noon that I encountered the loons and with all of the other boats present the loons were considerably disturbed and would not allow me to approach to within range.

For a closer look at a Common Loon I referred back to my 2008 archives and found this previously unposted image taken in late April. The Loons usually arrive here around the end of March and are gone by early May.

For more Camera Critters visit our friend Misty at her Camera Critters Blog


Tink *~*~* said...

surprising wing span - when they're floating, they just don't look that big.

Happy Critturday!
Tink *~*~*
Just hangin’ around at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

imac said...

Well Caught Critters on Country Captures.

Kim said...

Fantastic wing span. Such lovely birds.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Oh,I can almost hear the plaintive call of the Loon.Love that last picture.

Montanagirl said...

That's a great shot of the Loon. Have you ever seen the movie "On Golden Pond" ?? I think those were Loons calling in that movie.

Unknown said...

I've heard so many stories about the loon. There is such a mythology that surrounds it. The sound too, from what I understand, is an essential ingredient to its aura. Thanks for sharing your great photos.

Misty DawnS said...

Sorry you had a bummer of a day Salty, but I still really like that photo! It looks like he is spreading his winds to reveal all his glorious markings to the camera!

Manz said...

Sounds like the tournament messed with your morning mojo!

Your archived image is a beauty.

Anonymous said...

What a feeling it must be to get to photograph the loons. That photo with the wings spread..amazing.. Michelle

Michele said...

I love the loon and hearing the cries of the loon reminds me of fishing as well which will be a little while longer before I can get out there...
Your photos are beautiful and always a joy to view...

Ranger said...

Great shots Coy. So clear and sharp.

Dianne said...

that last shot is fantastic, I can see all the detail on the wings, beautiful!!

EG CameraGirl said...

I understand your frustration at not being able to capture a good loon shot, Salty! Aren't archives wonderful?

Thanks for the tip on capturing a good shot of turkeys. I intend to keep trying...but I bet you'll get a great loon shot long before I get one of turkeys. ;-) Happy hunting!

Meggie said...

While in Rochester, Minnesota in 1989, I HAD to buy a loon decoy. They are Minnesota's state bird and I was quite impressed with them and their legends. Nice shot, Salty, even if it is an oldie.

photowannabe said...

Great shots anyway. I would love to hear the loon for real. Must be magical.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: You certainly have interesting waterfowl in your flyway.

Chris said...

The loons are a bit in advance in your area. Here it is still cold and they did not arrive yet. Hoping that the weather will improve and that we will see them soon. Your picture are really nice.

Anonymous said...

Nice photos. My goal a few years ago was to see my first bald eagle. I've seen them twice. Now, my goal is to see (and hear) a loon. Not quite sure where to see them. Was hoping to see them at the Stevenson Dam area, but we're not going until May, so that might be too late. Thanks for sharing your photos.

Louise said...

Great photo. It is going to make me go look in my archives to see if something someone told me is a loon really is. My picture is not nearly so good, however.

Leedra said...

Lovely photo of the loon.

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