Attempting to get a good photograph of the Bufflehead Drake has proven to be quite a difficult task. The Buffleheads visit our area for only a few weeks each spring. I was surprised yesterday to find that they were still at the lake.
Although, these ducks are not overly wary, they are small and require getting quite close with my 100-400mm lens but what has caused the greatest difficulty is the contrast between the areas of white and iridescent black plumage made even more problematic with the bird’s eye being located in the black area.
Yesterday I was trolling along the shoreline near noon when I noticed a flock of Bufflehead hens with an immature drake and one mature drake resting in a small cove. Cranking in the lines I prepared to make an ultra-slow approach allowing the wind to drift me near the ducks. I was concerned that a couple kayaking behind me would spoil my plans but instead they held back and watched as I worked the birds.
Soon these colorful little diving ducks will be moving on to their nesting grounds but this time they have left me with an image that I will treasure.
Note: I also captured the new header image yesterday when an Osprey allowed me to approach its perch quite closely. I continued to fire the camera as the Osprey took to the air in the warm light of the early morning sun.