A Great Blue Heron can appear awkward when taking flight 
During flight these impressive birds are transformed into a study of poise and graceThis is the same heron displayed in yesterday’s post photographed when I approached too close for its comfort with the boat.
Fantastic photography.Yes,these birds are graceful in flight.
I love the top photo - I find myself holding my breath and tightning up trying to help him get going!! lol They are graceful once they get going. Thank you for your kind words...debbie
Smooth sailing after they get going.
Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra
Wonderful shots of the Heron. I just went to the basement today and got on my Dell computer, which has a ton of photos from prior years on it. I sent a bunch of my Heron shots up to my iMac upstairs. I'm inspired to post a few of them now! You do a great job. Did you say you use the Canon 100-400 lens?
Salty: Wonderfully captured in flight. You are lucky he let you get this close.
Poetry in motion Salty.
Nice shots Salty. The second one is my fav. Blue Skies.
Great photos Coy, I agree with the previous post about close up photography and maybe missing the best shot that includes more.
Loved you white tail photos jumping over the fence, I am just glad he made it.
Saw three great blues this morning on my walk around the lake. Quite a wingspan they have! I'll have to go back and see if I can get a few shots. I love the clarity of color/white in its face...great shot, Salty!
Incredible photos!
The first shot is very dynamic even if they take all their time to take off... This is a very nice serie of a bird I have never seen.
I love herons and these photos are wonderful. I love the blue in his wings and the sharpness of the second photo.
Wonderful capture with the wings spread out.
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