Moving to the western shore I took a position partially concealed near the waters edge. A short time later a Bullfrog surfaced close by. The light was perfect, the frog was facing me directly and its legs were spread symmetrically below the surface, the perfect shot.
As I brought the camera into position I realized that I needed to flip the focus button to close-up. While fumbling with the tiny slider the frog became alarmed and submerged.
As the shadows lengthened, this Bullfrog surfaced only a few feet away. Slowly bringing the camera on target I fired a few shots. This image in no way compared to the “one that got away”.
I love this shot! You always get the best photos. I could definitely take some pointers from you!
Thank you again for all you did for Dorothy. I've heard from Stewart so she made it across the pond!
But I love it! It's perfect with the reflection of his big eye. Great job!
It may be nowhere near the shot that got away, but I think it's a wonderful shot! I love the reflection and the colors. It looks like it could be a painting--only I like it better because it's the real thing.
The one that got away must have be awesome, because this is a great photo. I love the composition with the reflection and lighting.
I do not know what the close up button is, none of my Nikons have anything like that.
Like Bradley and my Nikon, never heard of the close-up button, BUT I must say he's right about this shot Coy, its fantastic, as you know I love reflections.
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Ok Coy, I am not buying that the one that got away is better! How could it have been better than this! What an awesome shot!
Very well done.
Craig Glenn
Even the pros make mistakes Salty. We've all had similar circumstances. The posted shot is still a good one. Blue Skies.
Hi Coy,
Well this does happen very often to me too, as I realized I need to changed the set-up of the camera, the subject goes away. Well but for you, this shot is also really good! So well done on this one!
Some times the one you get by accident is the better. I like the reflection of the eye.
Awesome!!!! Love that reflection.
Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra
Sorry, I don't see a single thing wrong with this one. The one that got away must have been more than awesome!
Salty: What a great capture.
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