Shooting waterfowl and birds of prey in flight ranks up near the top of my favorite outdoor experiences. With a good Osprey population in our area frequently they are the subject I find myself tracking through the camera viewfinder.
Usually the Ospreys are too far for good photographs but on occasion while boating around a point in the lake I will catch one unaware. Such was the case when I surprised this magnificent bird at close range.
Maintaining the ISO and aperture settings as the light changes pays dividends when moments like these occur for there is no time to be tinkering with buttons and knobs as the Osprey takes Flight.
Great Shot - he sure has big talons! I'd hate to be on the receiving end of those!...debbie
Supurb job on a difficult shot! Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments.
I need your tutorials for my flight photos!! Wonderful shot!
Well you sure did get a great shot here! Nice one.
Another gorgeous shot.Jake and I have been trying for the Osprey recently,but with limited luck.
Great shots Coy. You may also want to try Cowans Gap Lake. There was a couple over there the other day, and I think they are a little more acclimated to humans.
Gorgeous shot Coy. The light is wonderful on it and the shot is very sharp. Well done, a great shot!
Good job!!
awesome shot
Regrets for not checking blogs out DUE to very IMPORTANT STUFF happening in our lives…
I have not come to many blogs here of recent. Because I/we are soon to be FIRST TIME Grandparents...I am so excited as we approach this weekend and a Baby Shower for our eldest daughter as she and her husband will be having a daughter mid June....
I am still even trying to get through the last of my trip to Egypt and then onto the Holy Land...
Kids first
Great picture
I clicked to enlarge. Wonderfully sharp photo.
Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra
Another great shot Coy.
Very nice flight shot Salty :-) I think I've seen your work on Birdforum..?
Beautiful Coy, you captured him well, I am one of those tinkering with the buttons people and it causes me to miss shots like this.
It makes a great new header for your site also.
Salty: Just beautiful for certain.
Magnificient capture of a wonderful bird. I love coming here and seeing the wildlife you photograph.
I think you call this being at the right place at the right time...and with the proper camera settings! Great shot, Salty!
Now that is a totally awesome photo! Love it!
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