Visiting the lake again Saturday morning I was somewhat surprised to find that the lonely Redhead is still here.
All of the other migratory waterfowl species have now moved on. Since last week the pied-billed grebes and the loons have departed leaving only the single redhead along with the nesting Canada geese, woodducks, and mallards.
I noticed this year that the exodus of the diving ducks coincided with the end of the perch spawn. Perch spawn in 2-5 feet of water while the water is still quite cold. The egg masses form long gelatinous masses easily visible from the boat on a calm day. I also noticed during the spawn that wherever I noticed a group of divers a closer look would reveal perch spawn littering the bottom. Perhaps perch eggs are the delicacy that draws the migratory duck to this little lake.
The Redhead appears to be healthy and will take to the air if approached too closely only flying a short distance and swimming back to his favorite stretch of shoreline soon after I move past.
I plan on watching for this duck’s late departure as he has stayed much later than normal for ducks of his species.
All of the other migratory waterfowl species have now moved on. Since last week the pied-billed grebes and the loons have departed leaving only the single redhead along with the nesting Canada geese, woodducks, and mallards.
I noticed this year that the exodus of the diving ducks coincided with the end of the perch spawn. Perch spawn in 2-5 feet of water while the water is still quite cold. The egg masses form long gelatinous masses easily visible from the boat on a calm day. I also noticed during the spawn that wherever I noticed a group of divers a closer look would reveal perch spawn littering the bottom. Perhaps perch eggs are the delicacy that draws the migratory duck to this little lake.
The Redhead appears to be healthy and will take to the air if approached too closely only flying a short distance and swimming back to his favorite stretch of shoreline soon after I move past.
I plan on watching for this duck’s late departure as he has stayed much later than normal for ducks of his species.
Great shot. Maybe the red head will stay around.
Maybe he missed the boat and doesn't know where to go. He is quite handsome. Perhaps he lost his mate and is pinning away?...debbie
It's a good thing he stayed later,because that is a beautiful shot.
Amazing picture.
That is truly a gorgeous shot... haven't seen a redhead duck before.. at least I don't think so...
Coy, maybe he knows you are getting some good photos of him so he is sticking around to let you get more keepers. With all this rain it will be hard to shoot for the next few days, and then we will need our mowers.
I don't think I have ever seen a redhead before. It sure is a striking picture, Salty.
Nice shot. I seen a white duck at Tallyrand Park yesterday and got a photo. Will be posting later on in the week.
This is a nice shot. Perfect setting. You get such great photos!
Greetings, very interesting.
Hi Coy,
A really great shot. I love the low angle there, it gives a very good feeling. It's nice you got it. Well done.
Salty: Never saw these but maybe some day one will visit.
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