Dragonflies are always great photographic subjects and capturing them in the air has proven quite difficult.
When a dragonfly hovers it seems that they stay in one place for some time but it is an entirely different story when trying to locate them through the camera lens. Once I do get on them achieving focus and firing before they zoom off has proven nearly next to impossible.
Although far from perfect this is the best I have been able to obtain so far this year.
Life has been a little hectic lately and I haven’t found much time to pursue outdoor photography or blogging thus the sporadic posting of late. With some time away from work coming up next week I do hope to collect some new images for future Country Capture post.
When a dragonfly hovers it seems that they stay in one place for some time but it is an entirely different story when trying to locate them through the camera lens. Once I do get on them achieving focus and firing before they zoom off has proven nearly next to impossible.
Although far from perfect this is the best I have been able to obtain so far this year.
Life has been a little hectic lately and I haven’t found much time to pursue outdoor photography or blogging thus the sporadic posting of late. With some time away from work coming up next week I do hope to collect some new images for future Country Capture post.
What a GREAT shot!!!!...debbie
Wonderfully great!
This ia a fantastic picture.I can relate to getting focus ands then they zoom off.The joys of nature photography.:)
This is a great capture Coy. Excellent!!
Wonderful! You did a great job of catching this dragonfly in mid-flight, not an easy thing to do.
Wonderful...I just started photographing them sitting still. Now you've given me another challenge..arn't these blogs great for that?
Very good shot!!
Very nicely done Coy!
Craig Glenn
What an incredible shot and one I have tried to do recently but failed miserably. Well done!
Hey, it looks good to me! I've never gotten one captured in flight either.
fantastic shot!! Gosh not easy to do!
Love all your images, but the dragonfly is my favorite. Mainly cause I have spent many a day tracking the darn things with my camera, and have only gotten a few select pics. In flight is not easy to get. Great shot!
Salty: That is a great photo of a neat critter. They are even hard to find when they are sitting still.
Its a great Capture Coy, only wish I could capture them in the air.
HI :) This is an amazing capture :) :) I actually shot a few dragonflies over the weekend at my mom's house in California. I found out how difficult it is to capture a dragon fly even if it is just sitting on a stick. :) :) Your capture is AMAZING :) :) Hope all is well with you and your family.
Renee :)
Nice catch. I can attest to how difficult it is to get a crisp photo because I've tried it a few times myself. I think the determining factor is having a clean, unobstructed background so you can find the dragonfly quickly enough in your viewfinder.
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