Water rushes over miniature water fall on its journey from the clouds to the ocean in its endless cycle of supporting life.
Photographing the tiny rivulet I thought about how this water fell from the clouds onto Scrub Ridge Mountain a few days ago. Seeping into the ground it resurfaced in a wet-spring and traveled downhill to this point. Its journey will take it to Licking Creek, then to the Potomac River, on to the Chesapeake Bay and finally into the Atlantic Ocean if it makes it that far. Along the way Hagerstown and Frederick Maryland, Washington DC and others will be drawing upon its life giving flow. Finally at some point it will once again rise to the clouds where the cycle will begin all over again.
Lately I have noticed that I have been focusing almost exclusively on wildlife and doing so have not been noticing some of the natural beauty around me. While taking an evening stroll my wife pointed out the beauty of this tiny waterfall while I had my attention riveted on the birds flitting about the undergrowth.
This shot was made with the 100-400mm lens at 400mm, F5.6, 1\8 sec. from the prone position with the camera rested over the camera bag. The green colorcast was created by allowing two out of focus leaves to hang near the front lens element.
Photographing the tiny rivulet I thought about how this water fell from the clouds onto Scrub Ridge Mountain a few days ago. Seeping into the ground it resurfaced in a wet-spring and traveled downhill to this point. Its journey will take it to Licking Creek, then to the Potomac River, on to the Chesapeake Bay and finally into the Atlantic Ocean if it makes it that far. Along the way Hagerstown and Frederick Maryland, Washington DC and others will be drawing upon its life giving flow. Finally at some point it will once again rise to the clouds where the cycle will begin all over again.
Lately I have noticed that I have been focusing almost exclusively on wildlife and doing so have not been noticing some of the natural beauty around me. While taking an evening stroll my wife pointed out the beauty of this tiny waterfall while I had my attention riveted on the birds flitting about the undergrowth.
This shot was made with the 100-400mm lens at 400mm, F5.6, 1\8 sec. from the prone position with the camera rested over the camera bag. The green colorcast was created by allowing two out of focus leaves to hang near the front lens element.
I can hear the rush of that water!! It must get lots of light as I see a lot of algae. It makes for a pretty shot!!...debbie
WOW Coy, thats something special.
Thanks for the tip too my friend.
A piece of pure art Salty. I enjoy seeing Life through your eyes.
Salty, what a wonderful photo. The green cast explanation is perfect at how the green came to appear in the photo. You do such good work.
Some of the greatest beauty is in the tiny details. Delightful photo!
Salty: That is a neat capture, glad the wife assisted in the shot.
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