Perched on a thistle bloom a tiny butterfly, no larger than a dime, brightened my morning photoshoot with my brother Willard.
Butterfly hunting is usually more productive from late morning on but we were attempting to capture butterflies and bees while the morning dew still wet the flowers.
As the sun rose I noticed that the bee and butterfly activity began picking up as the flowers dried. No large butterfly species were present this morning but a few small specimens and a number of skippers did present us with photo opportunities.
This image was captured with a 400mm lens with a 25mm extension tube. I find the extension tube to be indispensable for butterfly photography as it allow the lens to focus much closer than would be possible otherwise.
For more Critters of all kinds please visit our friend Misty’s Camera Critters Blog and join in with a Critter of your own.
Butterfly hunting is usually more productive from late morning on but we were attempting to capture butterflies and bees while the morning dew still wet the flowers.
As the sun rose I noticed that the bee and butterfly activity began picking up as the flowers dried. No large butterfly species were present this morning but a few small specimens and a number of skippers did present us with photo opportunities.
This image was captured with a 400mm lens with a 25mm extension tube. I find the extension tube to be indispensable for butterfly photography as it allow the lens to focus much closer than would be possible otherwise.
For more Critters of all kinds please visit our friend Misty’s Camera Critters Blog and join in with a Critter of your own.
I've never seen one this color. Wish we had more butterflies around here.
That's gorgeous.Now are you saying that I 'need' extension tubes?LOL
Wonderful capture! I was curious about the absence of monarchs around here this summer. After doing a little research, I learned that the weather in Texas and Oklahoma had much to do with the reduced migration. Apparently, they had a cooler temps and more rain than normal and monarchs don't fly in those conditions. Maybe we'll have more next summer.
Terrific photo. Just love it.
salty: Beautiful capture of the beauty.
Nice Coy!
Nice colors and capture. Blue Skies.
Great shot! Really great timing.
I really like the color of this butterfly and the thistle it is on. Nice photography.
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What a beautiful shots. so delicate.
Absolutely gorgeous!
Wow!!!! What a fabulous and stunning capture! I love this shot very very much.
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