When the alarm sounded at 6:00am this morning, although later than usual, it was still too early for my tired body. After running on 4-5 hours of sleep each night for the last couple of weeks I decided, after looking out at the gray overcast skies, to postpone my planned early morning fishing/photography trip to the Meadow Grounds Lake.
Awakened by my wife at 9:30 I felt much better and with the sun beginning to break through I grabbed my gear, loaded the boat and was on my way. Working my way along the eastern shoreline casting to the weed edge I was surprised when suddenly a mature Bald Eagle flew from a nearby tree and crossed the lake landing out of sight.
Readying the camera I motored across the lake south of the Eagle’s position then turned north near the shoreline moving slowly waiting the Eagle to take flight. Approaching the Eagles position a flock of Wood Ducks flushed from the reeds and a few moments later the Eagle dropped from it hidden position in a large oak.
I only had time for five images before the Eagle passed out of sight but it was sufficient time to capture my closest image to date of a mature Bald Eagle in flight.
For more Critters of all kinds visit Misty’s
Camera Critter Blog
Awakened by my wife at 9:30 I felt much better and with the sun beginning to break through I grabbed my gear, loaded the boat and was on my way. Working my way along the eastern shoreline casting to the weed edge I was surprised when suddenly a mature Bald Eagle flew from a nearby tree and crossed the lake landing out of sight.
Readying the camera I motored across the lake south of the Eagle’s position then turned north near the shoreline moving slowly waiting the Eagle to take flight. Approaching the Eagles position a flock of Wood Ducks flushed from the reeds and a few moments later the Eagle dropped from it hidden position in a large oak.
I only had time for five images before the Eagle passed out of sight but it was sufficient time to capture my closest image to date of a mature Bald Eagle in flight.
For more Critters of all kinds visit Misty’s
Camera Critter Blog
WOW Salty...you never cease to amaze me! Fabulous image!!
Magnificent photo! I have never seen a Bald Eagle in the wild.
You certainly nailed this one, Coy. It is a beautiful bird and spotless image. The feathers are just perfect and the expression on the face is priceless.
I saw a Tiger Swallowtail today. Second one this year.
Way to go Coy, brill piece of work.
Certainly fit for your new Header.
Well Done - my friend.
Stunning shot!Wow!
That shot is unbelievably amazing and AWESOME! You get some of the best nature shots EVER, my friend.
what a spread eagle pose.
WOW! and capture you did, what an awesome photo. You must be happy, sharp and in flight. I guess is pays to lay in some mornings, but 9:30 that would make me feel like a kid again (except for the pains in different parts of my body).
That is just a fantastic photo!
Awesome encounter, excellent shot!
That was a good encounter and you made the most of it!
That's not a lot of sleep ... but if you get a nap in it could suffice. But photographers are notoriously burning the candle at both ends.
Wow! Absolutely stunning shot! Taking care of yourself is good for.
Awesome! Love the Header too.
So awesome Salty. Seeing the eagle would have taken my breath away.
Your best eagle image so far. Impressive.
Salty: That is one beautiful bird.
Oh wow, this is truly what I dream of seeing! It really is amazing!
Really nice capture, Coy. Glad you had planned ahead and were able to get the shot. There is really nice detail in the dark feathers.
Gosh, what a fantastic surprise. Everybody wants one like that! Gorgeous and well captured!
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