Driving slowly along the mountain top road I continued my search for early signs of Autumn.
A patch of ferns with only a few fronds beginning the transition was the setting for this image. The frond’s brown colors brightened by the rainy dampness came alive in the dripping wet woods with a glow as if lit from within.
Anothe two gorgeous shots.You certainly are able to capture the beauty of nature.
Hi Coy,
I love the second shot a lot, the composition and colors are superb! Here too we start to see autumn colors!
Salty: Beautiful captures as the seasons start to chamge.
I guess this means Fall is definitely on its way. I love the water dropletts and how the leaves seem to be on fire. Beautiful.
Coy, these are so beautiful. Makes me want to walk through there.
Nice captures Coy.
Your search for Autumn reminds me that the neighbors Sweet Gum leaves began turning, slowly, about two weeks ago and are getting to the point where you realize it is Autumn or the tree is very sick. I really liked that Foggy Morning Excursion post.
It's definitely getting to be fall here. Some of the trees are still green, but then there's the ones that are already shedding their leaves. Nice shots!
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