Just because the skies are heavy its no reason to stay indoors this time of year, the first exciting moment occurred when an Eagle soared low overhead obviously hunting for prey. It was quite dark at the time so I shot the encounter on ISO 1600 capturing a number of silhouettes. One of these shots is superimposed in new header image above.
Later in the day while visiting the local lake, inspired by reading Scott Kelby’s new three book set, Digital Photography, I set up with the tripod at its lowest height along the lake shore. Setting the camera on ISO100; the lens to 24mm, F22, and installing a .9 neutral density filter I was able to get the shutter speed down to 1sec. Using the mirror lock-up feature and the cable remote to minimize vibration I made this shot of the lake shrouded in fog.
The slow shutter allowed the wind blown waves to meld into a smooth mystical surface while the swaying vegetation painted it path delicately into the image.
I like the results, do you?
It's a very lovely scene.
Yes, I have to agree that the weather around here has been really grey and miserable the past few day's. That's a good Image.
A fantastic picture.I also love the new header.
Very beautiful scenery Coy! Even if it is hard to take pictures in such a condition.
I love the results! And your Header is great too.
Absolutely. There is an air of mystery and solitude. Really nice.
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