While photographing the Winslow Hill elk herd during our recent visit to Pennsylvania’s elk range I was surprised to encounter this small spotted calf.
Elk calves, normally born in June, look small adults at this time of year. Apparently this calf was born quite late. Judging from the calf’s development its birth was probably as late as September or early October. The calf will need considerable luck if it is to survive the winter as it lacks the heavy coat and fat reserves needed to withstand the frigid temperatures.
Elk calves, normally born in June, look small adults at this time of year. Apparently this calf was born quite late. Judging from the calf’s development its birth was probably as late as September or early October. The calf will need considerable luck if it is to survive the winter as it lacks the heavy coat and fat reserves needed to withstand the frigid temperatures.
The little fellow is so cute.I sure hope he makes it through the winter.
Nature is full of surprises isn't it!
Hi Coy
How cute is that. I love the colors in the background as well. WOW such a nice surprise to see the baby... :) Aloha, Renee :)
I love those spotted babies, so cute! I hope it survives the winter.
Great photo.
Cute and super capture Coy.
Well spotted.... it really is times like this that make all the walking, stalking and standing about worth while..
I have been sorting out my email address book today and by mistake deleted yours.... if you get the time send me a blank enail and I can add you again please.
Oh I hope he makes it. Nice photo. I've noticed some pretty small deer fawns around here. Don't know why, other than they too were born late.
Like the others, I hope he makes it too. Great shot captured.
Its so good to be back in the blogging world. I want to wish you a bleated Merry Christmas and the most Happy New Year to come.
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