Who in their right mind would want a bluebird day with dazzling sunshine for wildlife photography when great images can be made during a driving downpour. And that was the situation when these photos were taken.

Uncomfortable? Sure but the great color saturation of rainy day images more than makes up for any discomfort.
There is a special quality about these shots,which you won't get in bright sunshine. I like this look,it seems fitting for these magnificent animals.
great job. :) nice to see something a bit different.
Nice! I like how the rain makes the antlers dark! Sometimes perseverance results in great shots.
Very nice! The rain and overcast conditions really make for nice light and color...soft. Terrific.
Wow, Coy, I just wrote a blog entry today entitled, "Stay Out in the Rain." Could it be that great minds think alike? I don't know about that but I do know that these two photographs are great!
Beautiful photos, Coy! I enjoy rainy days in Benezette. Thanks for staying out there in order to get these great shots to share with us.
Soooooooo envious!!! What nice shots.
Great photos !
I hope you had a rain coat for you and the camera ;-) That makes the atmosphere quite special and very nice pictures thought!
Nice work. It takes perseverance and patience and a love for what one is doing to sit through rainy weather to photograph animals
Now they are some real deer. We have smallish ones in the swamp.
Wow Coy, you've outdone yourself on these 2 shots. GREAT GREAT.
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