I beckon you come.
Walk under the spreading branches of my mighty oak. Follow me through the mist. The way is not clear. Do not be timid. Others have passed this way before and you must only follow for I am here to guide you.
Follow me into the glorious light of the future.
The Path by Salty Dawg
(This verse was inspired by my wonderful wife, who upon seeing this photograph said “That picture speaks to me”)
Wow, another great fog pic!
Nice passage as well.
One word...Spiffalicious!!!!!!!!
Thanks Chad, glad you enjoyed the post.
Gabby, Spiffalicious! I will take that as the ultimate complement. Thank you.
Speaks to me too. I want to go hiking there.
Salty Dawg,
This is one of the most beautiful photos I've seen in quite some time. You're very blessed to have access to places like this...and I'm glad to get to see them through your photos.
Hi! I have found your blog now..
Very interesting..
these shot are very simply and very kind..
Thank you all for visiting Northern Lights and for your very nice comments.
Luce, Pennsylvania is blessed with beautiful scenery with much public access. This photograph was taken in the Buchannan Sate Forrest. I take pleasure in sharing my photographs will all who visit. I only wish I could put my thoughts into words like you, but I am at a disadvantage as I was not home schooled! :-)
Haha...thanks Salty! :-)
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